Currys App

My Role
Create end to end MVP solution within 6 weeks using my UXD process, tested early solutions to validate my ideas then worked with developers to implement the designs before launching to market.
Launched iOS and Android Apps to market within 7 sprints before Black Friday, £1m revenue made within 3 days of launch with an app store rating of 4.5.


During the discovery phase I looked at Currys customer segmentation to understand who I am building the apps for as this helped to steer the experience and design. I also did research on the capabilities of an app and what utilities I can leverage to start thinking about the its features.

Breakdown of segments
Customer demographics
Utilities of an app
Platform analysis

There were a number of app platforms in the market. I helped the business decide to go with a native solution, in this table you can see that although native apps have 5 steps to download and the development cost is higher, they have the best experience and engagement than the other platforms.

Table showing pros and cons of each app platform
Click image to launch full competitor analysis


I conducted a competitor landscape analysis on Currys main competitors by using their apps, reading comments in app stores and making an order to see some of the pain points throughout the journey, here are some key findings:

  • Basket/Checkout were wrapped
  • Apps loaded slowly
  • Too many clicks to purchase
  • Some journeys are broken
  • Usage of out of date experiences


In this phase, I sketch out the user journey of the app on paper, I looked at different states, error cases and interactions. Sketching allows me to be experimental and it’s cheaper to make mistakes here as the designs are in the early part of the process. I also invite other team members to collaborate with me create different solutions.

Paper sketches of app journey
User flows

After I had sketched out the entire app user journey, I start mapping out the user flows. These diagrams help me to communicate to stakeholders how the customer journey works.

Service map showing triggers
Screen flow of store journey
UML diagram showing roles


Using sketch, I start wireframing the journeys from the drawings I created in the ideation phase. At this stage, I start identifying components which form part of the design system. I present these wireframes to stakeholders as a storyboard.


I use a tool called UserZoom to test and validate wireframes after I have started applying the UI design. This helps me to rectify issues earlier on before the screens go into development.

UserZoom fiter icon test
UserZoom card sorting navigation test
Final UI Design

After all the wireframes are completed, I start working on the final UI Design and apply the grids, Typography, spacing, padding and the different states of the components. I then upload them into a tool called Zeplin to collaborate with copywriters and developers.


In this phase, I start working with the developers to build the actual app screens.  Here are some other activities that take place at this stage:

  • Design walk-thru with developers so they understand how the app works
  • Redesign of some screens as they are not technically feasible in the timeframe
  • Lab testing with users as I have actual working app to find issues
  • UAT testing to make sure the product is fit for release
  • Walk-thru with stakeholders and getting sign-off before launch


The apps are finally launch to market, but this does not mean it’s the end of the project. I continue to evaluate the performance of the app through these activities:

  • Monitor analytics on the day of the release looking out for issues
  • Read App Store feedback from customers to understand pain points
  • Read the app comments coming through site surveys
  • Monitor NPS scores


I launched 2 Apps (Android and iOS) within 7 sprints in time for Black Friday. The most popular products sold on the app were Apple AirPods, followed by iPads and PlayStation games.

£1m revenue in 3 days

3 day after its launch, the apps made £1m in revenue before Black Friday. This was due to the design being easy to use and frictionless which allowed the customer to easily make orders without any difficulty.

App store rating

Customers were loving the new apps and were rating it with 4.5 star rating in the app stores. I was also seeing positive feedback from customers saying how fast the apps loaded and how simple the design was.


With just a short deadline of 7 sprints and a looming Black Friday event, I was able to design 2 apps (Android and iOS) and launch it into market without any difficulty.

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